Stephen Gethin

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Gethin, S.

Stephen Gethin.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
Category:Authors of French Works
FirstName / namefirst Stephen
LastName / namelast Gethin
MainNamePhon Stephen Gethin
SortName Gethin, Stephen
bio Stephen Gethin studied veterinary medicine at Cambridge University, where he was also awarded a choral exhibition. After a number of years in professional practice, he spent much of the 1980s undertaking two three-year retreats in France, where he now lives and, as a founding member of the Padmakara Translation Group, continues to translate. He became a Tsadra Foundation Translation Fellow in 2005. His published translations include Nagarjuna’s Letter to a Friend, Zurchungpa’s Testament, Dudjom Rinpoche’s A Torch Lighting the Way to Freedom, and Jamgön Mipham’s commentaries on Padmasambhava’s Garland of Views and the Mahāyāna-sūtrālaṃkāra. He is currently working on a detailed preliminary practice commentary by Shechen Gyaltsap and on a volume of Jamgön Kongtrul’s Treasury of Precious Instructions. (Source Accessed Sept 18, 2020)
languageprimary English
languagetranslation Tibetan
languagetarget English
affiliation Padmakara Translation Group; Tsadra Foundation
affiliationsecondary Songtsen; Padmakara
religiousaffiliation Nyingma; Tibetan Buddhism; Kagyu; Chanteloube, France
currentworks Current Projects as a Tsadra Foundation Fellow

• Mahayana-Sutralankara, Maitreya-Asanga, commentary by Jamgön Mipham • Commentary on the Khandro Nyingthig Preliminaries, Dudjom Rinpoche • Garland of Views, Guru Rinpoche, commentary by Jamgön Mipham

education MA Veterinary Medicine, Cambridge University, England
IsInGyatsa No
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 Template:DRL Authors of French Works