Ian James Coghlan

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Coghlan, I.

Coghlan Ian James Wisdom.jpg
PersonType Category:Translators
FirstName / namefirst Ian James
LastName / namelast Coghlan
MainNamePhon Ian James Coghlan
SortName Coghlan, Ian
bio Ian James Coghlan (Jampa Ignyen) trained as a monk at Jé College, Sera Monastic University, completing his studies in 1995, and holds a Ph.D. in Asian Studies from La Trobe University. He has translated and edited a number of works from Tibetan including Principles of Buddhist Tantra (with Kirti Tsenshap Rinpoché and Voula Zarpani); Hundreds of Deities of Tusita, An Offering Cloud of Nectar, and Stairway to the State of Union (with Choden Rinpoché and Voula Zarpani). Currently he is a translator for the Institute of Tibetan Classics and an adjunct research fellow at SOPHIS, Monash University. (Source: Wisdom Publications)
IsInGyatsa No
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Full Name

I.J. Coghlan



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