Jens Braarvig

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Braarvig, J.

Braarvig Jens In Reading Slowly- A Festschrift for Jens E. Braarvig.jpg
PersonType Category:Professors
FirstName / namefirst Jens
LastName / namelast Braarvig
MainNamePhon Jens Braarvig
SortName Braarvig, Jens
bio Jens Braarvig’s main subject is the history, literature and languages of Buddhism.

Among his publications on Buddhism are “The Akṣayamatinirdesasūtra and The Tradition of Imperishability in Buddhist Thought,” the main topic of which is the morality of Mahāyāna Buddhism, and ”Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection,” containing a rather recent find of manuscript fragments from Bamiyan, Afghanistan.

He also works with other Indian religious and philosophical traditions, as well as Greek and Mesopotamian religion in a comparative perspective and in a general setting of global and macrohistoric cultural study. His studies are based on comparative and philological methods, and he works with a number of classical and archaic languages from the Mediterranean areas, from early Middle Eastern cultures, as well as classical languages of South, Central and East Asia.

He is also developing methodologies for making philological reasearch relevant for cultural studies, and he has thus created an analytical internet tool – as now available on the internet as Bibliotheca Polyglotta – for understanding the role of linguae francae and multilingualsm in the global diffusion of knowledge.

He is also active as an editor and organizer of popular science. (Source Accessed Aug 30, 2021)

IsInGyatsa No
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Full Name

Jens Erland Braarvig


University of Oslo


Other Information

Postal address: Religionshistorie
Postboks 1010 Blindern
0315 OSLO
Visiting address: Religionshistorie
P. A. Munchs hus
3. og 4. etg.
Niels Henrik Abels vei 36
0371 OSLO
Room: 333 PAM
Phone: +47-22856858
Fax: +47-22854828
