Matsumoto Shirō

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Matsumoto, S.

PersonType Category:Authors of Japanese Works
Category:Ordained (Monks and Nuns)
Category:Zen Buddhist Teachers
MainNamePhon Matsumoto Shirō
bio Matsumoto Shirõ is Professor in the Faculty of Buddhism at Komazawa University. His publications (in Japanese) include Pratītyasamutpāda and Emptiness (Daizõ Shuppan, 1989), The Path to Buddhism (Tõkyõ Shoseki, 1993), and Critical Studies on Zen Thought (Daizõ Shuppan, 1994). Along with Hakamaya Noriaki, he is associated with what has come to be known as "Critical Buddhism."
YearBirth 1950
languageprimary Japanese
affiliation Komazawa University
religiousaffiliation Sōtō Zen
publications For a substantial list of Matsumoto Shirō's publications, see Hubbard, Jamie, and Paul L. Swanson. Pruning the Bodhi Tree: The Storm Over Critical Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1997.
IsInGyatsa No
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