Chone Drakpa Shedrup

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Co ne grags pa bshad sgrub

PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon Chone Drakpa Shedrup
MainNameTib ཅོ་ནེ་གྲགས་པ་བཤད་སྒྲུབ་
MainNameWylie co ne grags pa bshad sgrub
bio Chone Drakpa Shedrub was a Geluk scholar and yogi famous for his knowledge of sutra and tantra, who stood out even among the most learned scholars of his time. Educated at Sera and based at Chone, where he did most of his teaching, he authored many commentaries on sutra and tantra, which are collected in eleven volumes.
YearBirth 1675
YearDeath 1748
Treasury of Lives
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