Paul Condon

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Condon, P.

Condon Paul.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Paul
LastName / namelast Condon
MainNamePhon Paul Condon
SortName Condon, Paul
bio Paul Condon is an associate professor of psychology at Southern Oregon University. He has also served as a visiting lecturer for the Centre for Buddhist Studies at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, and is a fellow of the Mind & Life Institute. His research examines the relational basis for empathy, compassion, wellbeing, and prosocial action, and the influence of compassion and mindfulness training on those capacities. His writing and teaching also explore the use of diverse scientific theories in dialogue with contemplative traditions to inform meditation practices of compassion, mindfulness, and wisdom. Paul teaches meditation practices adapted from the Tibetan Nyingma and Kagyu traditions for multi-faith and secular application. (Source Accessed April 25, 2024)
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