Brian Houghton Hodgson

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Hodgson, B.

Brian Houghton Hodgson by Louisa Starr-Canziani.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Brian
LastName / namelast Hodgson
MainNamePhon Brian Houghton Hodgson
SortName Hodgson, Brian
bio Brian Houghton Hodgson (1 February 1800 or more likely 1801[1] – 23 May 1894[2]) was a pioneer naturalist and ethnologist working in India and Nepal where he was a British Resident. He described numerous species of birds and mammals from the Himalayas, and several birds were named after him by others such as Edward Blyth. He was a scholar of Newar Buddhism and wrote extensively on a range of topics relating to linguistics and religion. He was an opponent of the British proposal to introduce English as the official medium of instruction in Indian schools. (Source Accessed Oct 6, 2023)
YearBirth 1800
YearDeath 1894
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