Rob Linrothe

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Linrothe, R.

PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Rob
LastName / namelast Linrothe
MainNamePhon Rob Linrothe
SortName Linrothe, Rob
bio Rob Linrothe is Associate Professor in the Department of Art History, Northwestern University. Through his field work, he has become a specialist in the Buddhist Art of the Himalayas. He has concentrated on the pre-modern mural painting of Ladakh and Zangskar (Indian Himalayas) and the contemporary revival of

monastic painting in Amdo (China, Northeastern cultural Tibet). From 2002–2004, Prof. Linrothe served as the inaugural curator of Himalayan Art at the Rubin Museum of Art [RMA] which opened to the public in October of 2004. The catalog of the exhibition he curated (opening in January 2015 at Northwestern University’s Block Museum which will travel to the RMA) entitled Collecting Paradise: Buddhist Art of Kashmir and Its Legacies, with contributions by Christian Luczanits and Mellissa R. Kerin. Ilford: Wisdom Books, 2015. (Source Accessed Aug 1, 2023)

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