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PersonType Category:Classical Chinese Authors
FirstName / namefirst Fahai
MainNamePhon Fahai
MainNameTib 法海
SortName Fahai
bio Fahai. (J. Hōkai; K. Pǒphae 法海) (d.u.). In Chinese, "Sea of Dharma": a disciple of Huineng, the sixth patriarch (Liuzu) of the Chan zong. Fahai is said to have been the head monk of the monastery of Tafansi in Shaozhou Prefecture, where Huineng is presumed to have delivered a sermon on the "sudden" teachings

(dunjiao) of the Southern school (Nan zong) of Chan. Fahai is dubiously credited with compiling the written record of this sermon, the Liuzu tan jing ("Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch"). A rather late "brief preface” (luexu) to the Liuzu tan jing is also retrospectively attributed to Fahai. The story of this figure may have been based on a monk by the same name who was affiliated with the Niutou zong of Chan. (Source: "Fahai." In The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism, 289. Princeton University Press, 2014. http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt46n41q.27.)

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