Rtsa sde spyan snga nam mkha' rdo rje
Rtsa sde spyan snga nam mkha' rdo rje
PersonType | Category:Author |
MainNameTib | རྩ་སྡེ་སྤྱན་སྔ་ནམ་མཁའ་རྡོ་རྗེ་ |
MainNameWylie | rtsa sde spyan snga nam mkha' rdo rje |
AltNamesTib | བྱ་བྲལ་བ་ནམ་མཁའ་རྡོ་རྗེ་ |
AltNamesWylie | bya bral ba nam mkha' rdo rje |
YearBirth | 14th Century |
ReligiousAffiliation | Nyingma |
BDRC | https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P7962 |
IsInGyatsa | No |
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