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Berkowitz, A.

Berkowitz Alan.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Alan
LastName / namelast Berkowitz
MainNamePhon Alan
SortName Berkowitz, Alan
bio Alan J. Berkowitz was the Susan W. Lippincott Professor of Modern and Classical Languages and Professor of Chinese at Swarthmore.

Berkowitz, who chaired Asian Studies and served as the Chinese section head for 15 years, joined the Swarthmore faculty in 1989 when Chinese was the smallest section of Modern Languages & Literatures (MLL). As the sole professor of Chinese, he exercised wise leadership and worked tirelessly to make the fledgling section into a vibrant program and became its first tenured professor. Chinese is now the second largest program in MLL after Spanish. (Source Accessed June 2, 2023)

YearDeath 2015
archivistnotes Obituary
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