Brian Schroeder

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Schroeder, B.

Schroeder Brian-RIT.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Brian
LastName / namelast Schroeder
MainNamePhon Brian Schroeder
SortName Schroeder, Brian
bio Brian Schroeder is Professor and Chair of Philosophy and Director of Religious Studies at Rochester Institute of Technology. He has published widely on contemporary European philosophy, the history of philosophy, environmental philosophy, Buddhist philosophy, the Kyoto School, social and political philosophy, and the philosophy of religion. He is co-editor with Silvia Benso of the SUNY Press Series in Contemporary Italian Philosophy. Currently an associate officer of the Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle and an executive committee member of the Society for Italian Philosophy, Schroeder is formerly co-director of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, co-director and chair of the board of the International Association for Environmental Philosophy, director of the Collegium Phaenomenologicum, and an executive committee member of the Nietzsche Society. For more information, including publications, please go to (Source Accessed May 29, 2023)
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