Chien-hsing Ho

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Ho, C.

Ho Chien-hsing.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Chien-hsing
LastName / namelast Ho
MainNamePhon Chien-hsing Ho
MainNameTib 何建興
SortName Ho, Chien-hsing
bio Chien-hsing Ho 何建興 is an Associate Professor in the Graduate Institute of Religious Studies at Nanhua University, Taiwan. He received his doctorate in philosophy from the University of Delhi, India in 1999. He specializes in Indian and Chinese Madhyamaka, Buddhist epistemology, and the Buddhist philosophy of language, with additional research interests in Chan Buddhism, Daoist philosophy, Indian philosophy, and comparative philosophy. He has published articles in such international refereed journals as Philosophy East and West; Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy; Asian Philosophy; the Journal of Chinese Philosophy; and the Journal of Indian Philosophy. He is currently planning a book in English on Chinese Madhyamaka. (Source: A Distant Mirror, about the authors, 530)
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