Nyanaponika Thera

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PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
MainNamePhon Nyanaponika Thera
SortName Nyanaponika
bio Nyanaponika Thera, a German-born Buddhist monk, was a scholar, translator, and founder of The Buddhist Publication Society in Sri Lanka. Thera died in 1994 at the age of 93. (Source: Wisdom Publications)
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Full Name

Nyanaponika Thera


German born

Sri Lanka Theravada

Biographical Data

Nyanaponika Thera or Nyaniponika Mahathera (July 21, 1901, Hanau – 19 October 1994, Forest Hermitage, Kandy, Ceylon) was a German-born Sri-Lanka-ordained Theravada monk, co-founder of the Buddhist Publication Society, contemporary author of numerous seminal Theravada books, and teacher of contemporary Western Buddhist leaders such as Bhikkhu Bodhi.

List of writings:


Template:Footer Template:DRL Authors of German Works