Kachu Lobzang Palden

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Revision as of 13:55, 9 February 2023 by AlexC (talk | contribs)

Dka' bcu blo bzang dpal ldan

MainNamePhon Kachu Lobzang Palden
MainNameTib དཀའ་བཅུ་བློ་བཟང་དཔལ་ལྡན་
MainNameWylie dka' bcu blo bzang dpal ldan
AltNamesTib ཨུ་རྒ་བླ་མ་བློ་བཟང་དཔལ་ལྡན་
AltNamesWylie u rga bla ma blo bzang dpal ldan
bio A headmaster of Kumbum Dünkhor Dratsang (Sku 'bum dus 'khor grwa tshang) and Kumbum Menpa Dratsang (Sku 'bum sman pa grwa tshang). Born in Tsongön Harge (Mtsho sngon har ge). A student of Shingza Paṇḍita Lobzang Tenpai Wangchuk and Nyakya Lharampa. A teacher of Yangkya Zhapdrung Ngawang Lobzang Tsultrim Puntsok.
YearBirth 19th Century
BornIn Mongolia
ReligiousAffiliation Geluk
ClassicalProfAff ri bo dge rgyas dgon (Mongolia)
BDRC https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P1KG10437
IsInGyatsa No
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