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Dge ba'i lha.jpg
PersonType Category:Classical Indian Authors
MainNamePhon Kalyāṇadeva
MainNameTib དགེ་བའི་ལྷ་
MainNameWylie dge ba'i lha
MainNameDev कल्याणदेव
MainNameSkt Kalyāṇadeva
SortName Kalyāṇadeva
bio According to Fredrik Liland, nothing further is known about Kalyāṇadeva (Dge ba’i lha), aside from being the author of the Bodhisattvacaryāvatārasaṃskāra, a commentary on the Bodhicaryāvatāra. But his commentary is thought to be not as exhaustive and rich of citations as Prajñākaramati's Pañjikā.
YearBirth b. 11th or 12th c.
BDRC https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P1KG3495
IsInGyatsa No
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