Gechak Tokden Tsangyang Gyatso

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Revision as of 12:27, 5 October 2022 by AlexC (talk | contribs)

Ge bcags rtogs ldan tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho

PersonType Category:Authors of Tibetan Works
Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon Gechak Tokden Tsangyang Gyatso
MainNameTib གེ་བཅགས་རྟོགས་ལྡན་ཚངས་དབྱངས་རྒྱ་མཚོ
MainNameWylie ge bcags rtogs ldan tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho
bio TBRC Note: Regarded to be an embodiment of ratna gling pa, gling rje ras pa, and gu ru thugs sras rgyal ba mchog dbyangs. Connected with nang chen (Nangchen).
YearBirth 1800s?
IsInGyatsa No
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