Dharma Publishing Staff

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Dharma Publishing logo.jpg
PersonType Category:Editors
MainNamePhon Dharma Publishing Staff
SortName Dharma Publishing Staff
bio About Tarthang Tulku

Keenly aware of Tibet’s irreparable loss and willing to do everything possible to sustain the precious heritage of the Land of Snows, Dharma Publishing has worked to realize three principle goals: preservation of Tibetan texts and art, publication of works in Western languages that communicate the meaning and value of the Dharma, and distribution of texts to monks and scholars of the Tibetan Community.

It is our hope that, even if the lineages do not survive in their traditional form, the texts and the knowledge they contain will be available for future generations. Although civilizations rise and fall, perhaps the day will come when this precious enlightened knowledge can once more be fully applied for the benefit of all sentient beings. (Source Accessed August 26, 2015)

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