Zhönu Senge

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Gzhon nu seng ge

Zhönu Senge HAR copy.jpg
MainNamePhon Zhönu Senge
MainNameTib གཞོན་ནུ་སེངྒེ
MainNameWylie gzhon nu seng+ge
bio Zhönu Senge is counted as the second of the “Nine Incomparable Lions,” patriarchs of the Drukpa Kagyu tradition. He was born into a prominent Drukpa family – his paternal uncle was Darma Sengge Sanggye Won, the first of the Nine Incomparable Lions and the student of Tsangpa Gyare, who founded the Drukap tradition. He served as the third abbot of Ralung Monastery.
YearBirth 1200
YearDeath 1266
BDRC https://library.bdrc.io/show/bdr:P913
Treasury of Lives https://treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Zhonnu-Sengge/11909
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