Péter-Dániel Szántó

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Szanto, P.

PersonType Category:Professors
FirstName / namefirst Péter-Dániel
LastName / namelast Szántó
MainNamePhon Péter-Dániel Szántó
SortName Szántó, Péter-Dániel
bio Péter-Dániel Szántó started his studies at ELTE Budapest (Diploma in Tibetan Studies and Indology). He wrote his doctoral thesis under the supervision of Alexis Sanderson in Oxford (defended in 2012). Since then he has been a Junior Research Fellow at Merton College Oxford, a Nachwuchsinitiative stipendiant at Hamburg University, and a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at All Souls College Oxford. His primary area of expertise is the literature and history of Indian Esoteric Buddhism. A list of his publications with PDF access to most can be found here. (Source Accessed June 3, 2022.)
associatedwebsite https://openphilology.eu/team
affiliation Abhidhanottara Translation Project
affiliationsecondary University of Oxford
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