Geshe Lobsang Dawa

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Dawa, Lobsang

Dawa Lobsang CBCT.jpg
PersonType Category:Geshes
Category:Ordained (Monks and Nuns)
MainNamePhon Geshe Lobsang Dawa
SortName Dawa, Lobsang
bio Geshe Dawa was born in Mexico City. He was a Buddhist monk for 15 years receiving full monastic vows (Gelong vows) from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Geshe Dawa learned Tibetan language in the College for Higher Tibetan Studies SARAH in Dharamsala India and later traveled to South India to join Drepung Loseling Monastic University where after more than a decade of advanced studies, he graduated as the first Hispanic Geshe ever. During H.H. Dalai Lama´s visit to Mexico in 2013, Geshe Dawa collaborated as his assistant translator.
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