William Dewey

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Dewey, W.

Dewey William LinkedIn.jpg
FirstName / namefirst William
LastName / namelast Dewey
MainNamePhon William Dewey
SortName Dewey, William
bio Scholar and digital humanist, who is also a full stack web developer with experience in Ruby and JavaScript frameworks. I have a lifelong interest in coding, the Internet, and other digital media, which I see as innovative tools that allow me and others to share our knowledge. In my background in academia and museums, I have conducted rigorous research, gathered and interpreted data detail, and solved problems. Studying Tibetan Buddhism, teaching diverse groups of students, and working in the innovative Rubin Museum have furthered my passion for communicating with an international audience. (Source: LinkedIn)
associatedwebsite https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-dewey-phd-156baa32/
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