Beáta Kakas

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Kakas, B.

Kakas Beáta.jpg
PersonType Category:Translators
FirstName / namefirst Beáta
LastName / namelast Kakas
MainNamePhon Beáta Kakas
SortName Kakas, Beáta
bio Beáta is both an indologist and orientalist. Her research area is Tibetan Buddhism. Her writings are for both popular and professional audiences. Recently she has done interpreting and teaching in Tibetan and Sanskrit languages. She is also keen on translating Tibetan texts, interested in all things related to Tibetan and Indian culture, lifestyle and Himalayan people. Beáta lived in India for a year, and she returns there from time to time, visiting places such as cedar woods and wonderful mountain villages . . . (Adapted from Source Mar 23, 2022)
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