Radu Claudiu Canahai

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Canahai, R.

Canahai Radu Claudiu.jpg
PersonType Category:Translators
FirstName / namefirst Radu Claudiu
LastName / namelast Canahai
MainNamePhon Radu Claudiu Canahai
SortName Canahai, Radu
bio Radu Claudiu Canahai was born on January 21, 1971 in Salonta, Bihor County. He graduated from the Faculty of Geography at Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, class of 1997, with a bachelor's thesis on traditional occupations in Tei Beiusului. As an amateur, he is concerned with the theoretical and practical aspects of Eastern mystical traditions, Hellenistic astrology and its cultural metamorphoses, the history of the American West, the history of culture and civilization. He worked as a journalist for a local weekly. (Adapted from Source Dec 10, 2021)
IsInGyatsa No
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