Pawo Ösel

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Dpa' bo 'od gsal

PersonType Category:Classical Indian Authors
MainNamePhon Pawo Ösel
MainNameTib དཔའི་བོ་འོད་གསལ་
MainNameWylie dpa'i bo 'od gsal
MainNameDev वीरप्रकाश
MainNameSkt Vīraprakāśa
AltNamesOther Vīraprabhāsvara
bio Though the names Vīraprakāśa or Vīraprabhāsvara are unattested in Sanskrit source, this author is known to Tibetans as Pawo Ösel and is associated with a cycle of spiritual songs related to the famed Eighty-four Mahāsiddhas of India.
IsInGyatsa No
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