Dzongsar Khen Pema Damchö
Rdzong sar mkhan pad+ma dam chos
PersonType | Category:Khenpos |
MainNamePhon | Dzongsar Khen Pema Damchö |
MainNameTib | རྫོང་སར་མཁན་པདྨ་དམ་ཆོས་ |
MainNameWylie | rdzong sar mkhan pad+ma dam chos |
bio | Khenpo Pema Damchö was a senior khenpo at Dzongsar Monastery in Tibet. He was a student of Drayab Lodrö and Dragyab Khyenrab Senge. In 1986 he became the tenth khenpo of Dzongsar shedra, a position he held for five years. According to reports, he passed away on March 3rd, 2016. |
YearBirth | 1933 |
YearDeath | 2016 |
ReligiousAffiliation | Sakya |
ClassicalProfAff | Dzongsar Monastery |
TeacherOf | Phuntsok Namgyal |
BDRC |!rid=P5129 |
IsInGyatsa | No |
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