Helmut Eimer

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Eimer, H.

PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
Category:Professors Emeritus
FirstName / namefirst Helmut
LastName / namelast Eimer
MainNamePhon Helmut Eimer
SortName Eimer, Helmut
bio Helmut Eimer, Ph.D. (1974) in Indology, Tibetan and Oriental Art History, University of Bonn, is a senior researcher (emeritus) at that same university. He has published extensively on, e.g. the life of Atisha (Dipankarashrijnana), Kanjur transmission, collections of Tibetan manuscripts and blockprints. His most recent work is The Early Mustang Kanjur Catalogue (dkar chag) (Vienna, 1999). (Source Accessed Feb 22, 2021)
phduniversity University of Bonn
IsInGyatsa No
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Full Name

Helmut Eimer


Universität Bonn - IOA - Abteilung für Indologie


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