Lucia Dolce

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Revision as of 13:44, 21 September 2021 by AlexC (talk | contribs)

Dolce, L.

FirstName / namefirst Lucia
LastName / namelast Dolce
MainNamePhon Lucia Dolce
SortName Dolce, Lucia
bio Lucia Dolce specialises in Japanese religions and thought, with a particular research interest in the religiosity of the medieval period, including millenarian ideas and prophetic writings, the esotericisation of religious practice, and kami-Buddhas associations. She is also interested in Chinese Buddhist thought and in popular religion in contemporary Japan. (Source Accessed Sep 21, 2021)
associatedwebsite Faculty Page
affiliation SOAS (University of London)
phduniversity Leiden University
  • PhD (Leiden University)
  • Laurea M.A. (University of Venice)
IsInGyatsa No
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