Shinsui Okada

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Revision as of 15:43, 17 September 2021 by AlexC (talk | contribs)

Okada, S.

PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
Category:Ordained (Monks and Nuns)
FirstName / namefirst Shinsui
LastName / namelast Okada
MainNamePhon Shinsui Okada
SortName Okada, Shinsui
bio Shinsui (Mamiko) Okada, a professor emerita at the University of Hyogo, earned a Dr.Phil. at the University of Bonn, Germany. She is an ordained Nichiren-shū priest and a member of the Science Council of Japan. She was also one of the organizers

of the Japan Religion Coordinating Project for Disaster Relief, which was organized after the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. (Source Accessed Sep 17, 2021)

affiliation University of Hyogo
religiousaffiliation Nichiren-shū
phduniversity University of Bonn
  • DPhil, University of Bonn, Germany
IsInGyatsa No
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