Celso Scott Wilkinson
Wilkinson, Celso
PersonType | Category:Translators |
FirstName / namefirst | Scott |
LastName / namelast | Wilkinson |
MainNamePhon | Celso Scott Wilkinson |
SortName | Wilkinson, Celso |
bio | Celso Wilkinson is a graduate of Naropa University where he studied Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan Language. After graduating he continued his language studies abroad in Eastern Tibet and Northern India while intermittently working as a curriculum coordinator for the Nitartha Institute.
Now as a translator and TEI markup editor for 84000, in addition to translation his work has focused on developing various data projects for 84000. He is currently exploring ways in which this vast knowledge developed under the 84000 project can be utilized with computer technology as a resource for translators and researchers. This includes developing a translation memory project as well as exploring the current state of translation software, applications, and data projects and how they can be of benefit through this valuable data. He lives in Binghamton, NY. While not working for 84000, Celso is also a painter and writes graphic novels. |
associatedwebsite | https://84000.co/about/team/ |
IsInGyatsa | No |
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