Paola Tinti

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Tinti, P.

PersonType Category:Editors
FirstName / namefirst Paola
LastName / namelast Tinti
MainNamePhon Paola Tinti
SortName Tinti, Paola
bio Dr. Paola Tinti works as Head of Fundraising at one of the oldest business schools in the UK, among an elite group of business schools holding triple-accredited status from the leading UK, European and US accrediting bodies.

Her volunteering experience includes supporting a Sailability group, part of a national programme enabling people with disabilities to access sailing. She did this both on the water and through fundraising advice and even managed to secure the donation of a sailing boat! She has also volunteered her professional knowledge as advisor to the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, part of the University of Oxford.

Paola is originally from Italy and holds a DPhil in Oriental Studies. She is a keen traveller and a transoceanic yachtswoman. She loves all things Japanese and is mad about dogs, especially chocolate Labradors. (Source Accessed Aug 25, 2021)

IsInGyatsa No
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