Virginia Blum

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Blum, V.

Blum Virginia Drong Ngur Jangchubling.jpg
PersonType Category:Translators
FirstName / namefirst Virginia
LastName / namelast Blum
MainNamePhon Virginia Blum
SortName Blum, Virginia
bio Virginia Blum is the resident translator at Drong Ngur Jangchubling Buddhist Center, and has been translating and interpreting the Dharma since 2006 assisting Buddhist teachers around the world. Virginia is fluent in both Tibetan and Spanish and has been engaged in Buddhist meditation and study since 1999. She has studied Tibetan language in a number of immersive programs, including a two-year translation training program at Songsten Library in Dehradun, India, the Tibetan Summer Intensive Training at Rangjung Yeshe in Kathmandu, Nepal, as well as the Tibetan Language Intensive Training Course at the University of Virginia. She regularly participates in extended meditation retreats of both Tibetan and Theravada Buddhist traditions and is currently participating in The Community Dharma Leader Training Program at Spirit Rock Insight Meditation Center. (Source Accessed June 24, 2021)
IsInGyatsa No
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