Nalini Ramlakhan
Ramlakhan, N.
PersonType | Category:Authors of English Works Category:Independent Researchers |
FirstName / namefirst | Nalini |
LastName / namelast | Ramlakhan |
MainNamePhon | Nalini Ramlakhan |
SortName | Ramlakhan, Nalini |
bio | Nalini Ramlakhan recently finished her Ph.D., researching moral psychology in the Cognitive Science Department at Carleton University (dissertation entitled "Emotion and Morality: Understanding the Role of Empathy and Other Emotions in
Moral Judgment and Moral Behaviour"). She works on a variety of empirical and conceptual issues concerning the moral dimensions of addressing psychopathology, as well as ethics and moral psychology in general. Her publications include "An
Argument in Favour of a Universal Moral Grammar and Its Weaknesses," International Journal of Arts and Sciences (2011), and "On the Nature of Moral Judgment," Cognitive Science Proceedings (2014). (Source: Ethics without Self, Dharma without Atman) |
IsInGyatsa | No |
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