Manfred Taube

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Taube, M.

PersonType Category:Authors of German Works
FirstName / namefirst Manfred
LastName / namelast Taube
MainNamePhon Manfred Taube
SortName Taube, Manfred
bio Manfred Taube (born March 11, 1928 in Leipzig ) is a German Tibetologist and Mongolist. From 1949 to 1953 he studied Indology , Tibetology and Mongolian Studies at the University of Leipzig. After receiving his doctorate (1957) and habilitation (1965), he was appointed lecturer in Tibetan and Mongolian philology in 1966. From 1992 he was professor for Tibetan and Mongolian philology at the University of Leipzig. He is married to the ethnologist and folklorist Erika Taube. The Tibetologists Olaf Czaja and Jan Seifert and the orientalist Jakob Taube are students of Manfred Taube. (Source Accessed Feb 12, 2021)
IsInGyatsa No
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