Eduard Naumovich Tyomkin

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Revision as of 17:10, 12 February 2021 by AlexC (talk | contribs)

Tyomkin, E.

Tyomkin Eduard Institute of Oriental Manuscripts.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Eduard
LastName / namelast Tyomkin
namemiddle Naumovich
MainNamePhon Eduard Naumovich Tyomkin
SortName Tyomkin, Eduard
bio Dr. Edvard N. Tyomkin was a Senior Researcher of the Manuscript Department at the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, a specialist in the history of ancient culture and mythology of India and in Central Asia philology, and author of a series of monographs and articles. (Adapted from Source Feb 12, 2021)
IsInGyatsa No
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