Francis Brassard

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Brassard, F.

Brassard Francis RIT.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
MainNamePhon Francis Brassard
bio Francis Brassard is from Quebec, Canada. He received his PhD from McGill University in religious studies. He also studied at the Institut für Kultur und Geschichte Indiens und Tibets, Hamburg University. His research interests include Buddhist philosophy and psychology, comparative religions and philosophies, and interreligious dialogue. His book, The Concept of Bodhicitta in Śāntideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra, was published by the State University of New York Press (2000). Some of his other publication titles include: "Buddhism" in A Catholic Engagement with the World Religions, Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Book (2010), “Asking the Right Question” in Asian Texts - Asian Contexts: Encountering the Philosophies and Religions of Asia., Albany: SUNY Press (2010), “On the Origin of Religious Discourse” in The Dialectics of the Religious & the Secular: Studies on the Future of Religion. Koninklijke Brill NV (2014) and “Ruđer Bošković and the Structure of the Experience of Scientific Discovery” in Cadmus, Vol. 2, 6, (May 2016). He has taught at Berry College in Rome, Georgia (USA) and Miyazaki International College in Japan. Francis Brassard is a Lecturer at RIT Croatia (Dubrovnik campus). (Source Accessed Jan 6, 2021)
affiliation RIT Croatia
phduniversity McGill University
education Ph.D. in Philosophy (Religious Studies), McGill University, Canada, 1997

BA in German and French Literature, McGill University, 1982

IsInGyatsa No
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