Dharmachakra Translation Committee

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Revision as of 12:43, 12 November 2020 by AlexC (talk | contribs)

PersonType Category:Translators
MainNamePhon Dharmachakra Translation Committee
IsInGyatsa No
BnwShortPersonBio Founded and directed by Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche, the Dharmachakra Translation Committee is housed at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery in Boudhanath, Nepal. It was established in 2006 to facilitate and coordinate the translation efforts of a growing number of skilled translators emerging from the international shedra program run by the Rangjung Yeshe Institute.

The committee consists of a broad group of translators, editors, and graphic artists committed to the task of translating Buddhist classics into English and other languages.

For more information on this institute, please see the Buddhist Higher Education Program of this site. Tsadra Foundation grantee since 2007.

Dharmachakra is presently working on various translations of central scriptures containing the Buddha’s words as they are expressed in the sutras and the tantras as well as the most pivotal Indian and Tibetan commentaries on these enlightened statements.

A major project of the committee is the translation of the so-called “Thirteen Great Scriptures” of classical Indian Buddhism together with their commentaries by the Tibetan masters Jamgön Mipham and Khenpo Shenga. The first of these volumes, Middle Beyond Extremes, was published in 2007. Upcoming volumes in this series include Maitreya’s Ornament of the Great Vehicle Sutras and Distinguishing Phenomena and Their Intrinsic Nature. The remaining volumes will be made available over the coming years.

In addition to the works of Khenpo Shenga and Jamgön Mipham, the committee also translates selected texts from the writings of the Karmapas as well as the works of the masters of the Rimé Tradition: Jamgön Kongtrul, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, and Chokgyur Lingpa.

Current Projects as a Tsadra Foundation Grantee
No current projects

Completed Projects as a Tsadra Foundation Grantee

  • Luminous Essence: A Guide to the Guhyagarbha Tantra, Jamgön Mipham
  • Ornament of Reason, Mabja Jangchub Tsondru
  • Distinguishing Phenomena and Their Intrinsic Nature, Maitreya-Asanga, commentaries by Khenpo Shenga and Jamgön Mipham
  • Ornament of the Great Vehicle Sutras (Mahayanasutralamkara), Maitreya-Asanga, commentaries by Khenpo Shenga and Jamgön Mipham
  • Vajra Wisdom: Deity Practice in Tibetan Buddhism, Shechen Gyaltsap
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