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Key Term Pratyekabuddha
Hover Popup Choices solitary realizer; rang sangye; rangyal
In Tibetan Script རང་སངས་རྒྱས།; རང་རྒྱལ།
Wylie Tibetan Transliteration rang sangs rgyas; rang rgyal
Devanagari Sanskrit Script प्रत्येकबुद्ध
Romanized Sanskrit pratyekabuddha
Tibetan Phonetic Rendering rang sangye; rangyal
Sanskrit Phonetic Rendering pratyekabuddha
Chinese Script 緣覺
Chinese Pinyin yuánjué chéng
Japanese Script 辟支仏
Japanese Transliteration byakushibutsu
English Standard solitary realizer
Richard Barron's English Term solitary buddha
Jeffrey Hopkin's English Term Solitary Realizer
Ives Waldo's English Term self-centred buddhas; solitary realizer
Term Type Noun
Source Language Sanskrit
Basic Meaning Pratyekabuddhas are saints who, in their last birth in the cycle of existence, are said to become enlightened through solitary practice on the nature of dependent ordination. These saints are said to appear when there is no buddha around and work either alone or in small groups.
Has the Sense of Because the pratyekabuddhas work on their own to seek enlightenment for themselves, they are considered as self-centred, but because they are superior to the śrāvakas but inferior to the buddhas in their calibre, they are called middling buddhas.