Kammie Takahashi

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Takahashi, Kammie

Takahashi Kammie Muhlenberg College.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
MainNamePhon Kammie Takahashi
bio My teaching and research together reflect my deep commitment to enhancing our curiosities about one another and to honing sensitive instruments of learning which help to make the once “strange” familiar. Religion studies is a multidisciplinary field, making our approaches both challenging and exciting. Whether it is teaching the discovery of the Tibetan Book of the Dead in my course Death and Desire, deconstructing popular understandings of such terms as ‘yoga’ and ‘buddha’ in Buddhist traditions, or networking across departments in planning a Japanese folk and jazz fusion concert for religions of Japan, I hope to facilitate learning in which once comfortably closed stances regarding ‘us’ and ‘them’ begin to open. Material artifacts can bring cultures into clearer view. I bring scrolls, amulets, spirit tablets, devotional paintings and music into my discussions so students can directly touch the manifestations of the abstract ideas they study. My course on Pilgrimage: Rites of Way has instilled in me the importance of journeying together as well, and I have taken students to see Himalayan art collections, talk with monks in a Tibetan monastery, and even to Japan to give them a sense of what it means to study religion in its fullest possible context. (Source Accessed June 23, 2020)
associatedwebsite https://www.muhlenberg.edu/facultysearch/facultyresults/ktakahashi/
affiliation Muhlenberg College
phduniversity University of Virginia
education Ph.D., University of Virginia

M.A., University of Virginia B.A., Mount Holyoke College

  • Like Birds Soaring and Fish Gliding: View and Method in the Mahāyoga Texts of Buddhaguhya. The Journal of the International Association for Buddhist Studies (41) 2018: 235-70..
  • A Luminous Transcendence of Views: The Thirty Apophatic Topics in dPal dbyangs's Thugs kyi sgron ma. Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines (42) 2018: 159-177).
  • dPal dbyangs. The Treasury of Lives: A Biographical Encyclopedia of Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalaya. 2018. Forthcoming
  • Contribution, Attribution, and Selective Lineal Amnesia in the Case of Mahāyogin dPal dbyangs in Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines (32) 2015.
  • Ritual and Philosophical Speculation in the Rdo rje sems dpa'i zhus lan in Aspects of Esoteric Buddhism at Dunhuang, eds. Matthew T. Kapstein and Sam van Schaik. Leiden: EJ Brill, 2010.
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Full Name

Kammie Morrison Takahashi



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Template:Footer Template:DRL Authors of English Works