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PersonType Category:Classical Indian Authors
MainNameTib རིན་ཆེན་འབྱུང་གནས་ཞི་བ་
MainNameWylie rin chen 'byung gnas zhi ba
MainNameDev रत्नाकरशान्ति
MainNameSkt Ratnākaraśānti
AltNamesTib སློབ་དཔོན་ཤནྟི་པ་
AltNamesWylie slob dpon shan+ti pa
AltNamesOther Śāntipa
YearBirth late-10th century
YearDeath early-11th century
DatesNotes Dates from The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism, 2014.
ReligiousAffiliation Vikramaśilā
TeacherOf Maitrīpa
BDRC https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P0RK153
Treasury of Lives https://treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Ratnakarasanti/23
IsInGyatsa No
BnwShortPersonBio A circa 11th century Indian scholar that was one of the gate-keepers at the great monastic university of Vikramaśīla, as well as being included in the list of the eighty-four mahāsiddhas under the name Śāntipa. He was a prolific author and proponent of the Yogācāra school that was outspoken in his attempts to harmonize this school of thought with the philosophy of the Madhyamaka school. Though the majority of his known works, many of which were preserved in the Tibetan canon, covered topics related to Tantra.
PosAllBuddha Qualified No
PosAllBuddhaNote He accepts a pure nature that is the five wisdom's which are possessed, but obscured in sentient beings, but in terms of buddha-nature as a seed, only bodhisattvas have it.
PosAllBuddhaMoreNotes "...he suggests that only bodhisattvas have Buddha-nature, that is, the spiritual disposition to become a buddha, whereas others do not." Kano, K., Buddha-Nature and Emptiness, p. 75.
PosYogaMadhya Yogācāra
PosYogaMadhyaNotes There are apparently different takes on this issue, particularly whether he was a Yogācāran who accepted Madhyamaka or whether he was a Mādhyamika who accepted Yogācāra:
  1. Nirākāra Vijñānavāda, though as Kano states: "he defines the Madhyamaka position in accordance with the Madhyāntavibhāga's, description of the “middle way.” Indeed, he repeats throughout his works that the doctrine of the Mādhyamikas and that of the Yogācāras are completely compatible." Kano, K., Buddha-Nature and Emptiness, p. 73.
  2. "In sum, in his works Ratnākaraśānti generally sees himself as a Mādhyamika, but one who integrates many essential elements of Yogācāra and the teachings on buddha nature, such as emphasizing the soteriologically crucial role of mind’s nature being nondual lucid self-awareness—the tathāgata heart—which is only obscured by adventitious stains and needs to be experienced in an unmediated manner as what it truly is." Karl Brunnhölzl, When the Clouds Part, p. 61.
PosVehicles 3
PosVehiclesNotes Kano, K., Buddha-Nature and Emptiness, p. 76.
PosEmptyLumin Tathāgatagarbha as Mind's Luminous Nature
PosEmptyLuminNotes "Ratnākaraśānti generally describes the tathāgata heart as being equivalent to naturally luminous mind, nondual self-awareness, and the perfect nature (which he considers to be an implicative negation and not a nonimplicative negation). As for the ontological status of mind, his Prajñāpāramitopadeśa says that it does not exist as apprehender and apprehended, but the existence of the sheer lucidity of experience cannot be denied." Karl Brunnhölzl, When the Clouds Part, p. 58.
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