Kyilkhang Khenzur Lobzang Jinpa
Dkyil khang mkhan zur blo bzang sbyin pa
PersonType | Category:Abbots Category:Authors of Tibetan Works |
MainNamePhon | Kyilkhang Khenzur Lobzang Jinpa |
MainNameTib | དཀྱིལ་ཁང་མཁན་ཟུར་བློ་བཟང་སྦྱིན་པ་ |
MainNameWylie | dkyil khang mkhan zur blo bzang sbyin pa |
YearBirth | 1821 |
YearDeath | 1891 |
TibDateGender | Female |
TibDateElement | Iron |
TibDateAnimal | Snake |
TibDateRabjung | 14 |
TibDateDeathGender | Female |
TibDateDeathElement | Iron |
TibDateDeathAnimal | Rabbit |
TibDateDeathRabjung | 15 |
ReligiousAffiliation | Geluk |
ClassicalProfAff | Bkra shis lhun po Monastery |
ClassicalOtherProfAff | Dkyil khang Monastery |
EmanationOf | Yongs 'dzin blo bzang bstan 'dzin |
BDRC |!rid=P245 |
IsInGyatsa | No |
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