His Holiness the 36th Sakya Trizin

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Sakya Trizin, 36th

PersonType Category:Authors of Tibetan Works
MainNamePhon His Holiness the 36th Sakya Trizin
MainNameTib ས་སྐྱ་ཁྲི་ཆེན་སོ་དྲུག་པ་ངག་དབང་ཀུན་དགའ་བསོད་ནམས་
MainNameWylie sa skya khri chen so drug pa ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams
SortName Sakya Trizin, 36th
namealt Ngawang Kunga Sonam
NotesOnNames Once the Sakya Trizin finishes his reign his name turns into Sakya Trichen.
YearBirth 1842
YearDeath 1882
ReligiousAffiliation Sakya
IsInGyatsa No
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