Funayama Tōru

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Funayama, T.

PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
Category:Authors of Japanese Works
MainNamePhon Funayama Tōru
bio Funayama Toru, born in 1961, is currently a professor of Buddhist studies at Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. His research mainly covers two different areas in the history of Buddhism. One is Chinese Buddhism from to the fifth/seventh centuries, a period from the late Six Dynasties period up to early Tang; his focuses are on the formation of Chinese Buddhist translation and apocrypha, spread of the notion of Mahayana precepts, the exegetical tradition on the Nirvana Sutra, and so on.
      The other is philological and philosophical issues in Buddhist epistemology and logic in India from the fifth/tenth centuries, particularly Kamalasila’s (the late eighth century) theory of perception. In both areas, he is interested in the concept of saintliness as firmly related with the system of practice. (Source accessed June 16, 2020)
YearBirth 1961
IsInGyatsa No
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