Ramakrishna, B.M.

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PersonType Category:Professors
FirstName / namefirst M.
LastName / namelast Bhat
namemiddle Ramakrishna
bio PROF. M.R. BHAT was a well known Samskrta scholar, teacher, poet and astrologer, who retired in 1974 as the Head of Sanskrit Department of Hindu College, Delhi University. He had served the cause of Samskrta learning and Indian culture for more than half a century. Prof. Bhat edited with translation classical works like the Brhat Samhita of Varahamihira (2 Volumes), Horasarah of Prthuyasas, Prasnajnanam of Bhattotpala. Author of Fundamentals of Astrology. Prof. Bhat had revised the translation of Uttara-kalamrtam, and Phaladipika. He was the founder-editor of the Sanskrit _English Journal Amrtavani and had contributed a large number of articles on oriental learning and culture of various journals and periodicals. In recognition of his erudition and devotion to oriental learning and culture Prof, Bhat was conferred the titles Vidyabhaskara, Vidyasagara and Kavitacatura. Prof. Bhat died in 1990. Source: (Motilal Banarsidass)
IsInGyatsa No
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