Shiu, H.

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Revision as of 21:28, 1 June 2020 by AlexC (talk | contribs)

Shiu Henry Emmanuel College.png
PersonType Category:Translators
Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Henry
LastName / namelast Shiu
namemiddle C.H.
bio Dr. Henry Shiu is the Shi Wu De Professor in Chinese Buddhist Studies at Emmanuel College on Toronto, Canada. Dr. Shiu holds a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto (2006). He is currently a Sessional Lecturer in the Buddhism, Psychology, and Mental Health Program at New College; and Emmanuel College. Dr. Shiu’s teaching of Buddhist Contemplative Care represents a development of the principles of Engaged Buddhism. He brings expertise in the foundational areas that contribute to the Buddhist focus within Emmanuel’s Master of Pastoral Studies Program, including the foundational tenets and practices of Buddhism, Buddhist ethics, and Buddhist meditative traditions. As the coordinator of the Applied Buddhist Studies Initiative at Emmanuel College, he facilitated connections with the local and international Buddhist communities. His published research focuses on early Mahayana Buddhism and the transmission of Buddhism to China. He has recently completed articles about Buddhist women in the Chinese diaspora and about the construction of Buddhist pilgrimage sites in Canada. He is also the author of numerous scholarly works in Chinese, including his forthcoming book with Oxford University Press, The Cultural Interpretation of the Heart Sutra in India, China, and Tibet. (Source accessed June 1, 2020)
languagetranslation Chinese
languagetarget English
affiliation Toronto School of Theology
phduniversity University of Toronto
IsInGyatsa No
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