Robert W. Clark

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Clark, R.

Clark Robert Stanford.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
MainNamePhon Robert W. Clark
bio Robert W. Clark is the Coordinator of the Stanford Tibetan Language Program. He teaches Tibetan language and literature at Stanford University, and serves as a curator and consultant for Asian Art collections in the US and India. He is the program director of Tardo Ling, in San Francisco, a center for translation of Tibetan literature. Dr. Clark worked as a translator in the Private Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and has served as interpreter for Tibetan lamas and educators for over 25 years. He is an author of numerous books and articles on Tibetan, Nepalese, and Indian Buddhist art, history and culture including Treasures of the Nying T’ik; The Universal Vehicle Discourse Literature (Mahayanasutralamkara); Tibet: Treasures from the Roof of the World; The Art of Gandhara and Tibet; The Tethong Portraits of the Eighty Four Mahasiddhas; The Treasures of Buddhist Tibet; Art of the Qianlong Emperor; and The Practice of Mahamudra. He has translated over 70 Tibetan texts, and over 1000 Tibetan official and commercial documents from the Nepalese Government archive. Dr. Clark was a curator and catalogue author for exhibitions of Tibetan and Buddhist art at the Tibetan Museum (Dharamsala), Asian Art Museum (San Francisco), Dallas Art Museum, and Bowers Museum of Culture. He is currently working on a biographical account concerning Buddhist culture in Tibet and India in the 20th century. (Source accessed April 30, 2020)
languagetranslation Tibetan
languagetarget English
affiliation Stanford University
education Ph.D. University of Virginia, 1994. Tibetan Studies/History of Religion; M.A. University of Virginia, 1983. Tibetan Studies/History of Religion; B.A. Edison College, Princeton, NJ, 1977. Humanities, Buddhist Studies
  • (1a) Treasures of the Nying T’ik: Preliminaries and Auxilliary Texts. Translated by Robert W. Clark. San Francisco: Trilobite Publications, 2010. ISBN 978-0-578-04617-4
  • (1) The Golden Flagon of Ambrosia (bdud rtsi’i bum bzang). Trans. & Ed. by Robert W. Clark. San Francisco: Trilobite Publications, 2005.
  • (2) The Universal Vehicle Discourse Literature (Mahayanasutralamkara) by Maitreyanatha/Aryasanga. Trans. by Robert W. Clark, Losang Jamspal, et al. New York: Columbia University/AIBS, 2004. ISBN 0-9753734-0-4
  • (3) A Garland of Profound Advice (UpadeŸadarŸanam›la/man ngag lta ba’i phreng ba).

Translated and edited by Robert W. Clark. San Rafael, CA: Khenpo Gyume Trinley, ODN, 2004.

  • (4) Tibet: Treasures from the Roof of the World. By Robert Warren Clark, Terese Bartholomew and Patricia Burger. Santa Ana: Bowers, 2003. ISBN 0-


  • (5) "The Treasures of Buddhist Tibet" by Robert W. Clark. Hong Kong: Arts of Asia, December 2003.
  • (6) "The Tethong Portraits of the Eighty Four Mahasiddhas" by Robert W. Clark. Hong Kong: Orientations , September 2003.
  • (7) rdzogs pa chen po klong chen snying tig gi sngon ‘gro’i khrid yig kun bzang bla ma’i

zhal lung dnang rdzogs pa chenpo sems nyid ngal gso bcas. English portions trans. by Robert W. Clark. New Delhi: Sogan Rinpoche, 2003.

  • (8) Gendun Tsering of Gyuto: An Autobiography of Tantric Lama of Modern Tibet. Translated and edited by Robert Warren Clark. San Rafael: Society for

Gyuto Sacred Arts, 2002.

  • (9) Samden Tharchin: An Autobiography of a Gyuto Lama. Translated and edited by Robert Warren Clark. San Rafael: Society for Gyuto Sacred Arts, 2001.
  • (10) Swift Salvation: The Mystic Key to the Accomplishment of P’owa. Compiled by Sogan Rinpoche, Pema Lodoe. Translated and edited by Robert Warren Clark. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2000.
  • (11) The Practice of Mahamudra by Drikung K. Chetsang Rinpoche. Translated by Robert Warren Clark. New York: Snow Lion, 1999.
  • (12) Art of the Qianlong Emperor. Contributing author. London: Asian Art Gallery Publications, 1998.
  • (13) "Samsara Guru-Psychopathology and Evil in the Buddhism of India and Tibet." Ph.D. diss., University of Virginia, 1994. University Microfilms.
  • (14) Mantravatara of Jnanakara. Oral commentary by Ven. Doboom Tulku. Translated and edited by Robert Warren Clark. Journal of Religious Studies,

(Punjabi University: Patiala, 1980) Vol. VIII, No. 2.

  • (15) Skhalitapramathana Yukti Hetu Siddhi of Aryadeva. Oral commentary by Ven. Lozang Jamspal. Translated and edited by Robert Warren Clark. The Tibet Journal, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives: Dharamsala. Vol. 4, No. 2, Summer 1979.
  • (16) The Lamp that Illuminates the Sublime Thought by Nyala Pema Dudul. A commentary on the Preliminary Practices of the Secret Lineage of the

Profound Dharma of the All Pervading Natural Liberation from Vol. 5 of The Collected Works of Padma bDud 'Dul rDorje. Translated and edited by Robert Warren Clark, sponsored by Osel Dorje Nyingbo under a grant by the Frederick P. Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism.

  • (17) Gong Chig (The Sole Intent of the Buddha): Jigten Sumgon's Guide to Buddhist Theory and Practice. Translated and edited by Robert Warren Clark. Boston: Wisdom Publications, Annotated translation (approximately 380 pages) completed 2001. To be published in 2006.
  • (18) Acala Empowerment and Practice. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2001.
  • (19) Achieving the Mind of the Exalted Dorje Trochok—The Vajra Outshining the Three

Realms: a meditation on Dorje Trolo by Nyala Pema Dundul with the oral commentary of Khenpo Gyurmey Trinley. San Francisco: Osel Dorje Nyingbo, 1997.

  • (20) Achieving the Mind of the Sublime Taras: A Meditation on Yeshe Tsogyal and the Five Hundred Thousand Taras by Nyala Pema Dundul with the oral

commentary of Khenpo Gyurmey Trinley. San Francisco: Osel Dorje Nyingbo, 1997.

  • (21) The Achi Tsok Practice. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2001. This is a companion text to two other texts I translated: (18b) Achi Tsok: Vajravarahi Offering Ritual. San Francisco: Trilobite Publications, 2000. (18c)) The Achi'i bSang Practice. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing 2001.
  • (22) An Amitayus Empowerment and Practice. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2002.
  • (23) A Biography of Padgyal Lingpa. Bhutan: Sangye Teng Monastery 2001.
  • (24) A Biography of Tsewang Seetar Rinpoche. Bhutan: Sangye Teng Monastery 2001.
  • (25) The Blue Green Tara of the Acacia Forest. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2002.
  • (26) Cakrasamvara Ganacakra Puja. San Francisco: Trilobite Publications, 2000.
  • (27) A Dharma Song of the Vajra Clear Light: Key Admonitions and Advice from the Lotus Guru of Orgyen. San Francisco: Osel Dorje Nyingbo, 1998.
  • (28) The Ekajata Empowerment and Practice. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2001.
  • (29) An Epitome of Drikung Liturgy (Selections). Compiled by H.H. the Drikung Kyabgon Trinley Lhundup . San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, To be


  • (30) A Fierce Vajrapani Empowerment and Practice. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2001.
  • (31) The Fifty Empowerments and Practices of the Kagyu: An Outline. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2001.
  • (32) The Fifty Mantras of Kagyu Empowerment. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2001.
  • (33) A Green Tara Empowerment and Practice. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2001.
  • (34) A Hagiography of Sonam Kunga Rinpoche. Escondito, CA: Drikung Kyoba Choling, 2000.
  • (35) The Hayagriva Empowerment and Practice. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2000.
  • (36) The Heart Sutra. San Francisco. Trilobite Publishing, 2001.
  • (37) A History of the Sangye Teng Monastery. Bhutan: Sangye Teng Monastery 2001.
  • (38) The Jambhala Wheel of Protection. San Jose: Gyuto Dharma Center, 2001.
  • (39) A Maitreya Empowerment and Practice. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2001.
  • (40) A Medicine Buddha Empowerment and Practice. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2002.
  • (41) Namgyal-ma Empowerment and Practice. Translated and edited by Robert Warren Clark. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2001.
  • (42) Sarasvati Devi: A Meditation on the Goddess of Knowledge. By Wangchuk Dorje, the Ninth Karmapa. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 1997.
  • (43) The Stupa in Buddhist Religious Practice. Bhutan: Sangye Teng Monastery. 2001.
  • (44) Vajrasattva Empowerment and Practice. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2001.
  • (45) The Vow of the Bodhisattva. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2001.
  • (46) The Vows of the Upasaka. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2001.
  • (47) White Tara Empowerment and Practice. San Francisco: Trilobite Publishing, 2001.
  • (48) A Guide to Buddhist Philosophy. By Jetsun Jampalyang Chokyi Gyeltsen. Trans. by Robert W. Clark with Thuben Gendun. Dharamsala: LTWA, 1980.
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Full Name

Robert Warren Clark



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