Patrick Carré holds a Masters and Ph.D. in Chinese (honorable mention), Paris VII. He completed a three-year retreat with Pema Wangyal Rinpoché from 1981–1983. He is a poet and author, the former director of the “Trésors du bouddhisme” collection at Éditions Fayard, and a member of Padmakara Translation Group. He has been a Tsadra Foundation fellow since 2002.
Current Projects as a Tsadra Foundation Fellow:
Le Trésor de précieuses qualitiés, Book II, by Jigme Lingpa, commentary Kangyour Rinpoche
Completed Projects as a Tsadra Foundation Fellow:
Une Lampe sur la chemin de la libération, Dudjom Rinpoche
Soûtra de l’Entrée dans la dimension absolue, Gandavyuha sûtra
Traité de la Continuité suprême du Grand Véhicule - Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra, avec le commentaire de Jamgön Kongtrul Lodreu Thayé L'Incontestable Rugissement du lion. Plazac: Éditions Padmakara, 2019
Previously Published Translations as a member of l’Association Padmakara, grantee of Tsadra Foundation:
Perles d’ambroisie, (3 vols.), Kunzang Palden (with Christian Bruyat)
Bodhicaryavatara, La Marche vers l’Éveil, Shantideva (with Christian Bruyat)
Les Stances fondamentales de la Voie médiane, Mûlamadhyamakakârikâ, Nagarjuna
Le Trésor de précieuses qualités, Jigmé Lingpa, commentary by Longchen Yéshé Dorjé Kangyour Rinpoche (with Gwénola le Serrec)
Le Lotus blanc, Explication détaillée de la Prière en Sept Vers de Gourou Rinpoche, Mipham Namgyal (trans. Patrick Carré)
Les Cent conseils de Padampa Sangyé, Dilgo Khyentse (trans. from English)
Mahasiddhas, La vie de 84 sages de l’Inde, Abhayadatta (with Christian Bruyat)
Les Larmes du bodhisattva, Enseignements bouddhistes sur la consommation de chair animale, Shabkar Tsokdruk Rangdrol (from the English translation by Helena Blankleder and Wulstan Fletcher, trans. with Kim-Anh Lim and Vincent Horeau)
Au coeur de la compassion, Gyalsé Thogmé Zangpo, commentary by Dilgo Khyentse (with Kim-Anh Lim (Source Accessed Jan 29 2020)
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