Rheingans, J.

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Rheingans, J.

Rheingans Jim Sydney.edu.jpeg
PersonType Category:Professors
Category:Authors of English Works
Category:Authors of German Works
FirstName / namefirst Jim
LastName / namelast Rheingans
associatedwebsite https://www.buddhismuskunde.uni-hamburg.de/en/personen/rheingans.html
affiliation Universität Hamburg
phduniversity Bath Spa University
IsInGyatsa No
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Full Name

Jim Rheingans


“Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter” in Tibetan Studies at the University of Bonn, Abteilung für Mongolistik und Tibetstudien.


Magister Artium in Tibetan Studies at Hamburg University in 2004 with a thesis about the Sa-skya and bKa’-brgyud luminary Karma-’phrin-las-pa.

PhD research about “The Eighth Karmapa’s Life and his Interpretation of the Great Seal” at UWE Bristol from 2005–2008.

Other Information

Dr. Jim Rheingans

Email: jim.rheingans@uni-bonn.de

Other Publications

  • Forthcoming. “Uniting the Two Traditions: The Life and Works of the First Karma 'phrin las pa (1456-1539)”. Munich: Indus Verlag, Collectanea Himalayica Series 3 (series editor Prof. Dr. Franz-Karl Ehrhard), ca. 220 pages.
  • Forthcoming. “Contributions to Tibetan Literature: Texts, Genres, and Generic Terms, PIATS 2010.” (To be published at Brill, Leiden 2012).
  • Forthcoming. “Great Seal Dialogues in a Spiritual Biography about Mi bskyod rdo rje (1507–1554).” In Klaus-Dieter Mathes (ed.), Yogācāra Models of Truth or Reality in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies Special Volume, ca. 35 pages.
  • 2011. “Das Verschenken der Ganzen Welt: Mandala-Meditation.” In Burkhard Scherer (ed.), Mögen alle Wesen glücklich sein: Meditationstexte des Buddhismus. Herder: Freiburg, 50 pages.
  • 2011. “The Eighth Karmapa’s Answer to Gling drung pa: A Case Study.” In Matthew T. Kapstein & Roger R. Jackson (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies Bonn. Halle: IITBS GmbH, pp. 345–386.
  • 2010. “Narratives of Reincarnation, Politics of Power and the Emergence of a Scholar: the Very Early Years of Mi bskyod rdo rje and its Sources.” In Linda Covill, Ulrike Roesler & Sarah Shaw (eds.), Lives Lived, Lives Imagined: Biography in the Buddhist Traditions. Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies Series. Boston: Wisdom Publications, pp. 241–299.
  • 2009. “Preliminary Reflections on Guru Devotion in Medieval Tibetan bKa’ brgyud pa Great Seal.” In Nick Kucharnov et al. (ed.), Vajrayāna Buddhism in Russia: History and Modernity. St. Petersburg: Unlimited Space, pp. 186–209 (English), pp. 209–249 (Russian).
  • 2008. The Eighth Karmapa’s Life and His Interpretation of the Great Seal. PhD Thesis, University of the West of England, Bristol, 307 pages.
  • 2005. with Frank Müller-Witte (tr.). “Die Meditation auf den Lama in vier Sitzungen.” In Douglas N. & M. White, Karmapa: König der Verwirklicher. Wuppertal: Buddhistischer Verlag, pp. 167–185.

Papers Presented

  • 2011. “Songs, Empowerments and Dialogues: Embedded Texts and their Function in Tibetan Spiritual Biographies”. Paper presented at the XVIth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Dharma Drum College, Taiwan, 20–25 June.
  • 2011. “Remarks about the Question and Answer (dris lan) Texts of Tibetan Literature as a Textual Type.” Paper presented at Genres littéraires au Tibet/Literary Genres in Tibet, Journées d’étude ASIES (Inalco) et TINEMO, Paris, 27 January.
  • 2010. Panel convener of “Contributions to Tibetan Literature: Texts, Genres and Generic Terms.” Paper presented: “Collected Writings” (gsung ’bum) in Tibetan Literature: Towards a Systematic Study of Their Compilation, Redaction and Composition and Its Use for Genre Classifications” 12th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Vancouver, 16–21 August.
  • 2009. “Kompilation von tibetisch-buddhistischen Textsammlungen. Untersuchungen zu Autorenschaft, Produktion und Tradition,” Innovation oder Plagiat? Kompilationstechniken in der Vormoderne. Universität Bonn, 18 December.
  • 2009. “Religio-Political Conflict and its Solutions in Spiritual Biographies of Medieval Tibet.” Peace in the Buddhist Traditions of India and Tibet: an International Conference. Center for Buddhist Studies, Hamburg University, 14 June.
  • 2008. “Approaching Religions Inside/out—Outside/in: Methodological Pluralism in Context.” Lecture presented at a Research Seminar Religious Studies, Canterbury Christ Church University, 19 November.
  • 2008. “Did Politics Influence Religious Doctrine in Tibet? Wars Between Central Tibet and Tsang During the Period of Rinpungpa Dominance (1478-1565).” Joint Postgraduate Conference for Theology and the Study of Religions, Bristol University, 14 March.
  • 2007. “Ontologie, Praxis, Text.” Deutscher Orientalistentag (International Oriental Studies Conference of Germany, Austria and Switzerland), Freiburg, 24 September.
  • 2007. “Experiencing the Innate (sahaja): The Eighth Karmapa and his Great Seal (Mahāmudrā) in Context.” Joint Postgraduate Conference for Theology and the Study of Religions, Bristol University, 11 March.
  • 2006. “Saraha in the 16th Century: Reception, Utilisation and Polemics in the Work of Karma ’phrin las pa and Karmapa VIII Mi bskyod rdo rje.” 11th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Bonn-Königswinter, 28 August–1 September.
  • 2005. “The Life and Works of the First Karma ’phrin las pa.” Conference of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, SOAS, London, 26 August–1 September.
  • 2005. “The Liberation Story Narratives of Karma ’phrin las pa: A Non-sectarian Master of the 15th Century.” Paper presented at the Joint Postgraduate Conference for Theology and the Study of Religions, Bristol University, 17 March.
  • 2005. “Tibetan Buddhism: Sectarianism, Tolerance and Practice.” World View Society (Study of Religions and Philosophy and Ethics Research seminar series), Bath Spa University, 12 February.
  • 2005. “Die Schulen und die Geschichte des Buddhismus.” Keynote address on behalf of Prof. David Jackson at the occasion of an exhibition of Tibetan art and Buddhist relics, Museum für Völkerkunde, Hamburg, 17 April.

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