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PersonType Category:Ordained (Monks and Nuns)
Category:Classical Japanese Authors
MainNamePhon Genshin
namealt Eshin Sōzu (Head Monk of Eshin)
YearBirth 942
YearDeath 1017
BornIn Yamoto province (present-day Nara prefecture), Japan
ReligiousAffiliation Tendai
StudentOf Ryōgen
IsInGyatsa No
BnwShortPersonBio Japanese Tendaishū monk, scholar, and artist, popularly known as Eshin Sōzu (Head Monk of Eshin) because he spent much of his life at the monastery of Eshin at Yokawa on Hieizan. Genshin was born in Yamoto province (present-day Nara prefecture), but after losing his father at a young age, he was put in the care of the Tendai center on Mt. Hiei. It is believed that during his teens he formally joined the institution and became a student of the Tendai reformer Ryōgen (912–985). Genshin
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