Tauscher, H.

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Tauscher, H.


Full Name

Helmut Tauscher


Other Information

Helmut Tauscher is a research scholar at the Institute for South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies in the Department of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies at Vienna University. He is a life-member of the Drepung Loseling Library Society in Mundgod, Karnataka, India and since 1991 has been engaged in a research project entitled "Western Tibetan Manuscripts, 11-14 c." He is the author of numerous articles and book-length works on Madhyamaka, including Die Lehre von den Zwei Wirklichkeiten in Tsoń kha pas Madhyamaka-Werken (1995) and an edition of Phya pa chos kyi seng ge's dBu ma shar gsum gyi stong thun (1999).


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